Sunday, August 09, 2009


Rating: eh+ (rating scale)
Yeah that's an eh plus, although I thoroughly enjoyed this flick, I recognize that its not everyone's cup of tea. First things first, this movie is NOT a scary movie. Yes its darn and distrubing, but some how comical or at least to me and the quirky audience members of the theater in which I saw this movie. Yes that's right folks, either I have a sick sense of humour or this movie has some seriously funny momements. Yeah its the latter, I'm sure of it. I've position this movie as, if you are the type to watch and enjoy Law and Order type tv programs, you'll enjoy this film. Seriously, I can't emphasize enough that this movie it NOT scary at all. Creepy yes, scary not so much.

1 comment:

Courtney's 101 Things in 1001 Days said...

I read the spoiler/script summary at Wikipedia online and decided to pass. Thanks, but no thanks. Seems like you agree, LOL.