Wednesday, June 28, 2006 I might be converting...

That's right!! You read it here first folks!

After years of scoffing at the clown-like styling and dorky appearance of DaimlerChrysler's Smart Car and more recently, risking my life in the hills of Mykonos, Greece in that semi-automatic monstracity... I must admit, they have finally come up with a model that is toooo cute for words... and could sway.. even the likes of me!

Now.. don't get it twisted. I am not suggesting that I'm rushing out today to do a trade in... but let's just say when or rather if my granola-save-the-earth persona ever kicks into 5th gear, I might be more than tempted to pick one of these cute autos up. C'mon.. its PINK!!!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Back on the grid!

Yes you read that correctly! I have a new cell phone. Its sleek, cute and so very pink. Oh, and it plays iTunes too. I feel so futuristic. But most important of all it fits in any purse weightlessly. I can't help but love this phone!!! I'm armed and dangerous now. I won't be carelessly dropping this phone.. yeah.. I didn't even believe that.. how about I'll try harder not to drop this phone as much I did with my dearly departed RAZR. yeah.. I'll buy that.

So that was the good news. savour it... done? okay onto other matters..

The not so good news is that apparently my former cell phone in its mangled state, could not be resuscitated long enough to load my address book onto my new phone. *sigh *

Okay, so what does this mean for you? Hmm.. well its actually quite simple. If you would like me to have your number stored on my cell phone, or rather if you do not want me to have a really good excuse that I will use profusely for never calling you, call my cellphone over the next few days from your various phone lines and leave a quick message so that I can save off missed calls to my address book. As an added bonus the first 10 callers will get a personalized ringtone (iTunes baby) of their choice on my phone.
(Hey, I work in marketing,so I can't help but throw in an extra incentive of some sort! Don't judge me! :-P)