Here in the greater Washington, DC metropolitan area I have noticed a very disgusting trend. At first, I thought it was just something that the teens were into, but I have noticed that the 20 somethings seem to ahere to this practice as well... "wearing pajamas in public". ***boggle***
Now I know some of you are rolling your eyes with your fingers on the key board ready to blast me and saying something to the effect, "ummm.. Bee...didn't Michael Jackson walk into court a few months ago wearing his ...ahem...pajama bottoms?" To all of you out there you are thinking that I say, "just because I groove to the hip melodic beats of Michael Jackson and the extended Jackson clan doesn't mean that I condone him or anyone else leaving their home in david and goliath pj bottoms. Its just not right even when the King of Pop does it". But I'm still a fan .. so there. :-P
I just don't get it. Its bad enough that you obviously rolled out of bed and into the public domain. But is it really necessary to exclaim to the world that you did so. I was especially disgusted at the gym the other day when I looked up the from the hip adbuctor weight machine to be eye to eye with this grunting, sweaty, overgrown teen who was yes, working out in his pajama bottoms. eewwww. I seriously had to quickly divert my attention to the television monitors to avoid gagging from the site. eewww.
Pajama bottoms in public.. I dunno...it just bugs me. What's so hard about slipping on a pair of jeans or sweats to give the illusion of cleanliness and proper hygiene? Its just another thing to add to the list of depictions of sheer laziness at its best...
Pajama bottoms in public.. I dunno...it just bugs me. What's so hard about slipping on a pair of jeans or sweats to give the illusion of cleanliness and proper hygiene? Its just another thing to add to the list of depictions of sheer laziness at its best...
I hate to admit but I've been guilty of this myself sis, but I'm using this blog as an intervention... no longer will my PJ bottoms see the light of outside. dio
not kewl... but now you know better...
Girl, I must agree. That s%$# is wack! I think that it just brings people one step closer to being lazier and lazier. I.E.:The line at the drive thru is like 12 cars long and the lines inside of the establishment have like 2 people but people refuse to get their lazy funky a$$es out of the car.
Not to mention, walking outside with pajama bottoms is just as tacky as walking outside with rollers or a scarf on your head, I don't care how pretty and "silk-like" the scarf is, let's call a spade a spade, it's tacky!
Couldn't agree with you more! We are already a sloppy looking bunch- how hard is it for people to put some effort into their appearance? Get some clothes that fit, do your hair, change from your bed clothes..... disgrace! the Pajama pants trend is just as bad as jean shorts, fanny packs and college sweat shirts.
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