Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Don't stink.. think pink!

This weekend, my fantasy football team, The Pinky Tuscaderos, the underdog of the league.. once ranked as low as 7th has done what they all say could not be done. The Pinky Tuscaderos have secured their spot in the final round, the "Real Woman Love Football Fantasy Football SUPERBOWL".
Its really unbelieveable! I beat the #1 team, the braggadocious "300".. I still have more points coming in tonight!
*sniff* Never has a victory been more sweet!
The only downside is that for the superbowl I face my own cousin's team, "the Verrazano Jill Straps"... Knuckle up cuzzo... its on!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
when hip hop goes too far..
Exhibit B: Poor exploited bindi...
In case you were wondering..

There is a reason why I took a untimely yet temporary hiatus from blogging. Its a very painful experience that caused me to take immediate leave. I haven't actually disclosed it to anyone... well except for my BFF VeeGee. I've tried to bury the memory in the depths of my subconscious. However recent events have made it nearly impossible for me to keep this memory hidden. Its all over TV, radio, magazines... the release of the Nanny Diaries on DVD. *GULP*
As many of you avid ramdon fans, over the years I have taken to sharing movie reviews with my readers. I, a big chicklit fan, was incredibly excited for the release of the Nanny Diaries earlier this year. I planned a week's worth of activities just to be there for the opening night. Never has disappointment bestowed such a debilitating blow.
You see, sometimes a great book is made into a great movie (e.g. Harry Potter and *anything JK chooses*). Sometimes a great book is made into a good movie (e.g. the Namesake). Yet other times a good book is made into a GREAT movie, (e.g. Devil Wears Prada). Very rarely, does are GREAT book get made into a total STINKER of a movie (case: the nanny diaries).
After seeing that movie, I was so incredibly crestfallen and essentially lost. It took me months to come to terms with the fact that very bad things can happen to good storylines.
But there you have it folks. The reason why I had to step away from the blog over the past few months. If you haven't seen Nanny Diaries the movie, DON'T. Read the book and keep
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
Talk to me

Thursday, July 19, 2007
I'd like to give this shout out ..to the happiest station on cable!
(sung to the Tune of the "my favorite things" from the Sound of Music)
Miss Nellie Olsen in dresses of satin
Lucy and Ethel with schemes full of passion
Tootie on rollerskates and Blair decked in bling
These are a few of my TVLAND things!
Rich Mr Drummond and his jet black stretch limo
A waitress named Alice and her friend flo that bimbo
Quick witted florence's refusal to clean
These are a few of my TVLAND things!
When it rains out
Or its late night
When I'm feeling sad
I simply tune into the TVLAND
Then I don't feel..sooo baaaaaad!
Thank you very much!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
dare to dream..

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Oceans 13

Friday, June 01, 2007
Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End

rating: eh plus (rating scale)
First of all.. Let me forewarn you. Be sure to get extra ice in your soda and make sure the a/c is on FULL BLAST when you see this in the theater, because that Orlando Bloom is smoking hot! I'm talking muy caliente jalepeno popper. Whew! Yeah, Orlando has definitely been drinking milk. He has come a long way since his elfin magic looks in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I was tempted to give this movie a BRAVO based on the Orlando Bloom hottie factor alone. Double whew!!
Okay.. back the movie. Honestly, I'm going to lay it out for you... this storyline will never end! Disney is making a killing on the PoC movie series! If you were one of the people, like me, who was disappointed by that question mark feeling you had at the end of of PoC 2.. I will tell you this movie is slightly better than that. A few questions are answered however, even more questions are posed. Seriously, they (Disney) will be making PoC movies until Johnny and/or Orlando cries uncle. Don't get me wrong, the movie is extremely entertaining. John Depp, aka Cap'n Jack Sparrow, will make you laugh out loud! That woozy drunken sissy girl run he does is still good for a laugh. His comedic timing is still second to none. Also, Keira Knightley's character is a bit more tolerable in this sequel, no more faux fainting spells to detract/attract attention. No no no, she certainly has found her girl power in this flick.
Don't get me wrong. You will be entertained. However, be prepared to know that it ain't over there will be another. Plus for your own sanity, I strongly suggest that you catch PoC 1 & 2 on cable preferably the morning or night before you go to see PoC 3. The storyline is very involved there are subtle nuances and hints that can be easily missed if the scenes from the prior two movies are not fresh in your mind. But above all, be ready for that Orlando Bloom. Once again in a word, HOT! triple whew!!!
Spiderman 3

Monday, May 28, 2007
riddle me this...?

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
public service announcement...

Friday, May 11, 2007
..as told to butterrfly
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Ode to the W

yes.. ode to the W.. no not the hotel, or even el president. my happy place otherwise known as the Designer Show Warehouse....
(to be read/sung to the tune of Phil Colin's "Groovy Kinda Love")
When I'm feeling blue
All I have to do
Is buy a brand new shoe
Then I'm not so blue
When they're on my feet
enzo angolini
marc jacobs even prada
makes me shed a tear
Wouldn't you agree?
DSW, you and me
got a groovy new shoe love
Any time you want to
You can turn me on to
Any shoe you want to
Any time at all
When I get a grip
on the strappy sandals
Cannot even wait to wear them outside
Wouldn't you agree?
DSW, you and me got a groovy new shoe love
When I'm feeling blue
All I have to do
Is buy a brand new shoe
Then I'm not so blue
When I try them on
The price no longer matters
My rationale just shatters
I don't care!
Wouldn't you agree?
DSW, you and me
got a groovy new shoe love
We got a groovy new shoe love
We got a groovy new shoe love
Ooh, ooh
We got a groovy new shoe love
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
if you don't know.. now you know...

Monday, April 30, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
The Namesake
This movie is from the indie flick side of life. Now before I go on, I will let you know that I am VERY biased because I read the book and absolutely LOVED it. I loved it so much that I gave the book as a christmas gift to a few folks this past year! It is ruly a favorite of mine. What's more interesting is that the reason I went out and bought and read the Namesake is because I first saw an early preview for the movie sometime last year. With all that said, it is really a twist in irony that I was so utterly disappointed with the way the editing team decided to butcher this storyline. I thought the movie kinda sucked. :-( But again I'm biased and I'm comparing what the movie was to what I know it could've been based on my knowledged gained from reading the book.
Now here's the twist for you, if you haven't read the book, go see this movie, you will enjoy it. Honestly, the character nuances that endear you to the storyline are absent but the basic storyline is there and it will be interesting for you because you simply don't know what you are missing. However, if you have read the book WAIT until this flick shows up on cable otherwise prepare to be annoyed.

Well the thing about this movie, you sort of know exactly what is up the whole time but the thrills, suspense and humour trump the predicable storyline. "The suspicious next door neighbor.. could he be *gulp* a serial killer???" The movie has a sort of a scooby doo mystery meets a high tech hardy boys/nancy drew kinda charm. Towards the end of the flick, I was waiting for the classic scooby doo line, "...and I would have gotten away with it ...if it weren't for those meddling kids!!!". But alas that didn't happen.
Seriously folks, this movie is surprisingly entertaining. Its not going to get an oscar ... well maybe a nomination or two for lighting and special effects. However, believe me when I tell you that Shia LeBeauf is going places, his acting is convincing and real. I enjoyed this flick. I think you will too. It doesn't rate quite on par with my true BRAVO picks.. hence the minus... but you will be entertained. Trust me. I wouldn't steer you wrong on this.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
i still don't care if you agree with me...
Monday, April 16, 2007
i don't care if you agree with me....
I think what people fail to understand is that Imus was fired because of MONEY. Not because he offended people, not because he is a politically incorrect a--hole. .. but because what he said started a snowball effect that threatened future revenue for CBS and MSNBC. Its about money not civil rights, freedom of speech or any other social topic that's trying to be thrown on the table.
Yes Imus has been a politically incorrect a--hole his whole career and as long as his show brought in money his bosses couldn't careless about the idiotic nonsense he spewed. But IMUS in a statement moved himself from a prized asset on the balance sheet to a fire hot red liability. That, in the world of business, is not tolerable by any employee. Try doing something at your place of employment that threatens millions of dollars of revenue and see how fast they kick you out on your *ss.
Keep in mind, Imus had a 2 week suspension until future revenue was threatened (Staples and Proctor & Gamble pulling advertising dollars). Its ALL about money folks... the reason the rappers rap about what they do and say what they do is because it makes MONEY for them and the record companies that sponsor them. Moreover, people (not just black people) buy their albums.
.. we live in a capitalistic society.. money talks... don't be fooled, CBS and MSNBC didn't pull IMUS' show to do the right thing for society... PULLEAZE.. they did what they felt they had to do in order to protect their balance sheet. The decision to fire Imus had nothing to do with what's fair, equitable or ethical... it had to do with protecting $$$.. protecting shareholder value.. stock prices et al.
money talks .. bullsh** walks.. happy trails Imus...don't let the door knob hit you in the *ss on the way out..
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Monday, April 09, 2007
is it just me...?

Thursday, April 05, 2007

yeah.. "eh" pretty much sums it up. Its an intriguing concept, 'I wake up one day Jim [my husband] is dead.. I wake up the next he's dead'. The movie starts off interestingly enough and you are actually drawn in. But, I will spoil this for you so stop here if you still plan to see this movie. At no point do they give you any explaination as to how or why she flipped back and forth through time. The movie had the potential to be an eerie thriller or even a science fantasy flick.. but it fizzled torward the middle then totally ran out of steam. I guess that's what really annoyed me with this flick plus the ending stunk. yeah.. you should definitely wait for the lifetime run of this movie.. this seems like a movie they would play 5x over on a Sunday. But don't waste your $$$ its totally not worth the movie ticket.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
... yeah really.. I've got questions..

Why don't people realize their problems have been classified in my NMP file?
Why don't we have siestas and month long vacations in the US?
Why do we drive on a parkway and park in a driveway?
Do a little dance then you turn yourself around... is that what its really all about?
... a muse ..muse.. my kingdom for a muse...

Thursday, February 08, 2007
women and wine..

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Monday, February 05, 2007

Monday, January 29, 2007
...and the award goes to...
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Totally random...
...aaaaand IIIII am teeeeelling yooooou!!

Monday, January 22, 2007
this is for the haters
That would be Loyalty (the boy) on the left and Faith (the girlie girl) on the right. Faith still has all of her leaves and is blooming brighter and brighter every day. But for some odd reason Loyalty shed his leaves weeks ago... No worries. As you can see they are very happy and healthy in their new home.. :o)
Something can be said for loyalty...

But in a strange twist of fate, I have 2 .. yes that's right ONE, TWO poinsettia plants that have decided to stick it out with me. Yes, I do realize these plants are considered to be holiday plants, but they are actually tropical plants from Mexico I believe. Besides all that, hey, they love it here... they clearly have good taste. I affectionately call my dear plants "loyalty" and "faith". I even have them seated in primo direct sun light and water them regularly. I've even started talking to them on a regular basis. In return they show off their bright green leaves and crimson red petals and put a smile on my face as sure fire evidence to all that.... I AM NOT A PLANT KILLER!! All of those other plants were just suicidal.
what tha....?
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Stomp the yard

Note from the editor: This movie review was orginally submited with a rating of "BRAVO-CLASSIC" however, it was the opinion of the editor that such rating does NOT reflect the caliber of movie rated BRAVO or above by this publication. Hence the rating was reduced to a BRAVO minus"
Rating: BRAVO minus (rating scale)
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
I know what I speaketh!
'Dreamgirls' and 'The departed' were certainly my top picks for great movies of 2006... it would appear that great minds think alike. But I digress...
Without further adieu I would like to extend a special random shoutout...
Special Congratulations goes to...
Jennifer Hudson, Best Performance by an Actress In A Supporting Role in a Motion Picture

Martin Scorsese, Best Director - Motion Picture

Notes on a scandal

Wednesday, January 10, 2007
blogosphere buzz on our sponsor

Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Children of Men

* Submitted by VeeGee *
Now normally I say if Clive Owen's in it..see it! Afterall not since Pierce Brosnan circa Remington Steele have I been so captivated by a white man with an accent (Sean Connery aside of course). But the usually tasty Mr. Owen was a tattered, shambles through the ENTIRE FILM.. I mean who did his hair? Fire that makeup artist...and forgoodness sakes don't let me get started on wardrobe (somebody get that guy a proper shoe!) I know what you're saying:"Isn't the movie about the virtual end of humanity due to society's inability to procreate which in turn would lead to an anarchaic state of affairs in which grooming would not be a pivitol issue?" -- Yeah, but that ain't the point. I pay my money for a Clive Owen flick I want the FULL MONTY... bring back the Clive of "Closer" and "Derailed" - ooh and let's not forget "Inside Man", but I digress.If you like movies that make sense, set the stage upfront to explain the series of subsequent events to follow..or offer you some sort of closure at the end - DON'T SEE THIS FILM! The only reason I don't give it the Butterrfly "PEE-YOU" rating is that I must admit the action scenes are off the chain! You like an explosion..you'll like this. On more than one occassion I exclaimed to myself "now that had to hurt"..Bottom line... wait for the DVD. Better yet, buy it bootleg at from your local "hustleman" - coming soon to a salon or barber near you...LOL.
OK that's all folks.
Infidelity was inevitable…

this is my confession...
Okay folks…as it sit here sipping my (free) Starbucks venti skim caramel macchiato I am forced to reflect on my days of betrayal. Yes that’s right folks, I, for many weeks, almost months, have been involved in a horrible twisted tale of deceit, shame and guilt. But I’m back on track now. Back from the depths of treacherous denial and self shame. Luckily for me all has been forgiven, we can move on and start anew. I know many of you are beyond shocked by this news, as I have always maintained a grand image of being an intensely loyal and dedicated individual. What can I say other than mea culpa?
It all started so innocently. I remember that faithful day. It happened the day after thanksgiving to be exact. It was just so easy, so incredibly simple. Availability and accessibility can be the most tempting of temptations. It was that first sip that did me in. That’s right I said sip. I had a mug filled with Dunkin Donuts coffee, and I liked it. Actually I loved it. It was delish. Dare I say better than Starbucks? *gasp* I know… I was shocked as well.
It was really hard to deal with. My shame and addiction ran so deep that I actually bought a set of Starbucks travel mugs and would fill them with Dunkin Donuts coffee to disguise my shame and outright betrayal. All of the sneaking around, bowing my head in shame as I cradled my **sigh** Dunkin Donuts styrofoam cup. Styrofoam folks! Now I’m no Greenpeace tree hugger by any means, besides the obvious lack of aesthetic appeal can we have a thought for the environment Dunkin? What’s up with that? Can I get an option of an eco-friendly coffee cup?
But alas… never fear. The tryst has been put to rest. I’m back Starbucks, loyal as ever.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
three things I know...

3) showing up to the gym in full makeup and hair completely immboilized with hair spray
2) watching the food network, paul dean in particular while on the treadmill
1) sipping a starbucks latte while working out (witnessed that act just this morning... I'm still stunned)