Well the thing about this movie, you sort of know exactly what is up the whole time but the thrills, suspense and humour trump the predicable storyline. "The suspicious next door neighbor.. could he be *gulp* a serial killer???" The movie has a sort of a scooby doo mystery meets a high tech hardy boys/nancy drew kinda charm. Towards the end of the flick, I was waiting for the classic scooby doo line, "...and I would have gotten away with it ...if it weren't for those meddling kids!!!". But alas that didn't happen.
Seriously folks, this movie is surprisingly entertaining. Its not going to get an oscar ... well maybe a nomination or two for lighting and special effects. However, believe me when I tell you that Shia LeBeauf is going places, his acting is convincing and real. I enjoyed this flick. I think you will too. It doesn't rate quite on par with my true BRAVO picks.. hence the minus... but you will be entertained. Trust me. I wouldn't steer you wrong on this.
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