this is my confession...
Okay folks…as it sit here sipping my (free) Starbucks venti skim caramel macchiato I am forced to reflect on my days of betrayal. Yes that’s right folks, I, for many weeks, almost months, have been involved in a horrible twisted tale of deceit, shame and guilt. But I’m back on track now. Back from the depths of treacherous denial and self shame. Luckily for me all has been forgiven, we can move on and start anew. I know many of you are beyond shocked by this news, as I have always maintained a grand image of being an intensely loyal and dedicated individual. What can I say other than mea culpa?
It all started so innocently. I remember that faithful day. It happened the day after thanksgiving to be exact. It was just so easy, so incredibly simple. Availability and accessibility can be the most tempting of temptations. It was that first sip that did me in. That’s right I said sip. I had a mug filled with Dunkin Donuts coffee, and I liked it. Actually I loved it. It was delish. Dare I say better than Starbucks? *gasp* I know… I was shocked as well.
It was really hard to deal with. My shame and addiction ran so deep that I actually bought a set of Starbucks travel mugs and would fill them with Dunkin Donuts coffee to disguise my shame and outright betrayal. All of the sneaking around, bowing my head in shame as I cradled my **sigh** Dunkin Donuts styrofoam cup. Styrofoam folks! Now I’m no Greenpeace tree hugger by any means, besides the obvious lack of aesthetic appeal can we have a thought for the environment Dunkin? What’s up with that? Can I get an option of an eco-friendly coffee cup?
But alas… never fear. The tryst has been put to rest. I’m back Starbucks, loyal as ever.
For shame... "SHAME" I SAY! [insert sucking teeth sound here ;-S ]You call yourself a Starbucks lover... no true devotee of the green and white siren would ever stray so far..and so low! Did you say STYRAFOAM (I don't even know how to spell the word it shames me so!)If you were going to step out could you not at least have found at least a "Coffee Beanery" at which to do your dirt? I should have known when I saw your eyes light up at their gauche, plump, magenta and tangerine logo.. INFIDELS! I need to call the barista's ..your reloadable card may have to be revoked after this...
Shame! VeeGee.. the last TRUE SB DEVOTE..somebody pass me a peppermint latte!
For shame... "SHAME" I SAY! [insert sucking teeth sound here ;-S ]You call yourself a Starbucks lover... no true devotee of the green and white siren would ever stray so far..and so low! Did you say STYRAFOAM (I don't even know how to spell the word it shames me so!)If you were going to step out could you not at least have found at least a "Coffee Beanery" at which to do your dirt? I should have known when I saw your eyes light up at their gauche, plump, magenta and tangerine logo.. INFIDELS! I need to call the barista's ..your reloadable card may have to be revoked after this...
Shame! VeeGee.. the last TRUE SB DEVOTE..somebody pass me a peppermint latte!
I wonder how much your story would sell for. If I where Starbucks I'd say it was TV commercial-ready and offer you a million for it!
You should wear a scarlet letter on your shirt for "traitor"....just b/c you returned does not mean you will remain faithful....once a stray, always a stray.
Faitfully a Starbucks Lover!!!
oh my
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