things that make my bum itch! >:-O
10. People who answer "huh" in response to someone calling their name... -- insert rolling of eyes here --
9. Pretentious DC folk (aka Washingtonians) that ask what I do for a living before they ask my name. a--holes
8. Those fishbowl like smoking rooms in selected US airports. For the untraveled, at selected airports across the nation have smoking rooms that are glass walled on all sides. Kinda bizzare to see in person because you really can't see past the smoke more than about 3-4 feet in. Who knows how many people may be heeled over in there suffering some sort of emphesyma attack?
7. Redskins fans... especially as they cheer for the sorry redskins. helloooow... you read it here folks.. the Redskins suck! :-P
6. LIFETIME MOVIES.. ALL OF THEM.. especially the ones with the plot in the title, "my daughter the call girl","She's too young", "my son is now my daughter", "Meth is destroying my life, my husband left me, and my house is burning"
5. People who call and don't leave a message yet get annoyed with me when I don't call them back. --> Boggle <---
4. Vegetarians who show up to a BBQ hungry.
3. Women who show up at the gym in full makeup, hair sprayed hair, and couture work out gear.... idiots
2. Any drivers who thinks 60 miles an hour is an appriopriate speed for the far left lane on the highway.. a--holes.. stay in your lane!!!

things that always make me smile (a.k.a "BUM Itch Relief Balm")
10. Any situation where the underdog prevails.. just love good cinderella story
10. Any situation where the underdog prevails.. just love good cinderella story
9. Unsolicited chivalrous act with no expection of returns... I have grand appreciation for a true gentleman
8. A nicely orgranized wedding AND reception with meticulous attention to detail.. shameless shout out to my sis-inlaw
7. A well wrapped thoughtful gift.. especially when my name is on it. :o)
6. A child with good manners... a well placed "I beg your pardon sir/ma'am..." never hurt anyone
5. Fresh floral bouquet special delivered to moi!
4. Unexpected coupon from DSW. tear..sniff..sheer nirvana I tell ya!
3. Frasier ... love the reruns.. don't know why I was NOT hooked on it while it was on primetime... don't know what you got till its gone
2. Uncommon words used appropriately in a sentence that the average person has never heard of...for example...
- obstreperous \uhb-STREP-uhr-uhs; ob-\, adjective:Noisily and stubbornly defiant; unruly.
- grandiloquent \gran-DIL-uh-kwuhnt\, adjective:Lofty in style; pompous; bombastic
1. Prada
I was always a proud muffin topper, I just think the look is "tray chick".
And now that I know I'm in the same group with Christina and Britney.. I shall muffin top forever.
You know I like a child with good manners!! Crumbsnatchers!
Can I add:
9.5 Pretentious VA folks who claim they live in DC??? If your address says 'VA' then news flash- you don't live in DC.
4.5 Vegetarians who come to your BBQ and won't eat the grilled veggies because they might have 'touched' meat while on the grill!! HELLOOOOO
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