"Isn't everyone a superhero in their own right?"
In my opinion, everyone, well almost everyone, has a special natural ability or skill that makes them well 'unique'.
So I thought about it and came up with my own superhero profile.... so... without further adieu...
Name: BeeButterrfly
other super names considered but not selected:
** She-Ra (already taken)
** SuperGifter
** Moesha Stewart
Secret Identity: Corporate Schmoe
Notable powers or abilities:
** superior ESP-like intuition
** incredible long term memory
** witty sense of humour
** unsurpassed gift giving abilities
Secret Weapons:
** Glue gun
** killer smile
Weakness: ummm.. krispy kreme donuts!
Arch enemies:
>> Doubters, haters, and pessimists alike...
>> Stilt walkers, clowns, anything in masquerade
Love the avatar.
I've seen Ms. BeeButterfly. She's an unstoppable force @ a Michaels 1/2 price end of the year clearance sale.
Name: Pomona (Roman Goddess of Food)
Secret Identity: Boring housemother of One
Notable ability:
To taste any cuisine, dissect it for duplication and transport to parties all over the world.
Garlic Press
Wearing too many hats on the head.
Arch Enemies:
1. Women who consider frozen staples (onions, peppers, garlic) suitable for a meal.
2. Women who feed their husbands Helper anything
3. Women who consider the microwave as a cooking utensil.
Hey B, your blog is pretty good. You are really showing your creative side her. Great idea with the awards and the superhero. I have to think about mine a little more!
Hey - found this story rather appropriate for our shared super-weakness for all things clown-y:
oops don't think the URL worked on the last comment, try this one:
Highlights from the article, for me, are the actual name for clown phobia, "coulrophobia" and the fact that Johnny Depp has it!
"Johnny Depp, the actor, is a sufferer of a phobia that, he says, may stem from a childhood experience. It induces rapid breathing, nausea and feelings of dread." --- wow.. at least I know I'm not alone. That's exactly what I feel when I see a freako clown, stilt walker, or elmo customed being within a 20 yard radius.
Ok, now you've done it BeeButterfly - the villains are taking advantage of your super-weakness:
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