... Every now and then I came across a news story that makes me wonder about the true IQ of the average person. This week I have been presented with not one but TWO phenomenally idiotic news stories that deserve this special random distinction.
Without further adieu, I present this week's jack*ss award winners...
Headline: Heat poses danger at playgrounds
Summary: A 2-year-old boy was hospitalized Friday with third-degree burns after he stepped on a metal maintenance cover [manhole] at Lippert Park in south Oklahoma City.
My thoughts: Okay, the temperatures lately have been so hot that I can feel the scorching heat rise through my flip flops. It is the sort of heat that makes you randomly swear and curse out loud. Which leads me to ask, with a heat index of 100+ degrees Fahrenheit, why would you allow a child to walk BAREFOOT in such heat?.. Its the park not the freaking beach!!! I first heard of this story watching the news the other day, the person taking care of the child at the time of the incident said something like, "I was watching him play and he was laughing and having a good time. Then he stepped on the manhole cover and all of a sudden started to scream and cry..." ** duh **
The woman who was caring for this child deserves a slap in the face and is clearly a top graduate with honors from the donkey school of childcare.. I know its Oklahoma, but seriously, barefoot on a manhole cover? What the hell? Seriously, why would that seem like a good idea? ** boggle ** I'm sure some inane, greedy attorney will work with the family to figure out some way to place a bogus suit against the city for not having warning signs placed. In which case said attorney would also receive a handsome jack*ss award courtesy of yours truly.
Honor: Grand Jack*ss Award
Headline: Waitress checks customer's ID, discovers self (nominated by Paolo, avid random fan and fellow blogger )
Summary:A bar waitress checks to see if a customer was legally old enough [over 21 years old] to drink looked down to see yes.. her own driver's license staring back at her. Apparently the waitress had lost her wallet the previous week. wait for it... that's not the kicker, the customer in question was 23 years old!!!!!!
My thoughts: Do I need to really even vent on this one? ** boggle ** ... Lady you are truly a donkey's backside!
Honor: Golden Jack*ss Award
have a jack*ss award contender? I wanna hear about it.. submit your entries here.
Do I have a contender? Let's see. TRUE STORY: We were review deisngs for a new building and the client asks: "Is there a way to make all these fire pull stations and alarms another color? We don't want people to notice them."
Sooo you prefer for them to die in the fire? Idiots!!!
Hey there bloggers!! I have an even better one for you! Click on or copy and paste this link: http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_1937986.html?menu=
Now that is a GOLDEN JACK%$& for ya!
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