Congratulations to this fine establishment for being selected as "new business of the year" by the butterrfly awards selection committee.
Note from the editor: This movie review was orginally submited with a rating of "BRAVO-CLASSIC" however, it was the opinion of the editor that such rating does NOT reflect the caliber of movie rated BRAVO or above by this publication. Hence the rating was reduced to a BRAVO minus"
* Submitted by VeeGee *
Now normally I say if Clive Owen's in it..see it! Afterall not since Pierce Brosnan circa Remington Steele have I been so captivated by a white man with an accent (Sean Connery aside of course). But the usually tasty Mr. Owen was a tattered, shambles through the ENTIRE FILM.. I mean who did his hair? Fire that makeup artist...and forgoodness sakes don't let me get started on wardrobe (somebody get that guy a proper shoe!) I know what you're saying:"Isn't the movie about the virtual end of humanity due to society's inability to procreate which in turn would lead to an anarchaic state of affairs in which grooming would not be a pivitol issue?" -- Yeah, but that ain't the point. I pay my money for a Clive Owen flick I want the FULL MONTY... bring back the Clive of "Closer" and "Derailed" - ooh and let's not forget "Inside Man", but I digress.If you like movies that make sense, set the stage upfront to explain the series of subsequent events to follow..or offer you some sort of closure at the end - DON'T SEE THIS FILM! The only reason I don't give it the Butterrfly "PEE-YOU" rating is that I must admit the action scenes are off the chain! You like an explosion..you'll like this. On more than one occassion I exclaimed to myself "now that had to hurt"..Bottom line... wait for the DVD. Better yet, buy it bootleg at from your local "hustleman" - coming soon to a salon or barber near you...LOL.
OK that's all folks.