Sunday, August 09, 2009

Julie & Julia

Rating: BRAVO (rating scale)
Its never too late to be great! That's my summary of this movie. First of all, let it be known, I have a sincere bias here. Meryl Streep, to me, is the BEST ACTRESS ever known to industry. Don't challenge me ever on that FACT, unless you are prepared to risk our friendship. Back to the movie, its really a good movie. I enjoyed it thoroughly, but again I can see how this might not be a movie for everyone. But here's how you'll know if you will enjoy this movie: if you are a FOODIE you will dig this flick. And I mean a real FOODIE, not just someone who likes to EAT, that would make you an EATIE. Real FOODIES not only thoroughly enjoy eating, but they talk about meals they will have, they reminisce about meals they have had, and furthermore, they COOK. I'm not saying they are gourmets, but real FOODIES such as myself, cook and cook well, because, hey we love FOOD and must do it justice. But I digress, quite simply, this is a movie for the FOODIE. You end up learning so many interesting factoids about the legendary Julia Child that by the end of the movie she feels less like a gourmet super hero and more like your fun and crazy old aunt. FOODIES unite and go see this movie. You can thank me later for this recommendation with a cupcake or a BBQ'd short rib or something. :-)

2 comments: said...

I'm an eatie but plan to see this movie! Great review. I was interested in the follow your passion angle but now I know to look for the joy of cooking angle.

Courtney's 101 Things in 1001 Days said...
I am a total foodie and I LOVED this movie....I went to see it by myself at a matinee when it first came out. I was sad when it ended. Although I have never actually made a beef bourguignon or stuffed a duck, I do love to cook....and I love to eat. Until next time, BON APPETIT!!! :o)