Monday, April 30, 2007

The secret to American obesity...

yeah.. this is just disgusting..but I had to share...

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Happy Feet....

Just when you think you've seen it all...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Namesake

Rating: eh (rating scale)

This movie is from the indie flick side of life. Now before I go on, I will let you know that I am VERY biased because I read the book and absolutely LOVED it. I loved it so much that I gave the book as a christmas gift to a few folks this past year! It is ruly a favorite of mine. What's more interesting is that the reason I went out and bought and read the Namesake is because I first saw an early preview for the movie sometime last year. With all that said, it is really a twist in irony that I was so utterly disappointed with the way the editing team decided to butcher this storyline. I thought the movie kinda sucked. :-( But again I'm biased and I'm comparing what the movie was to what I know it could've been based on my knowledged gained from reading the book.

Now here's the twist for you, if you haven't read the book, go see this movie, you will enjoy it. Honestly, the character nuances that endear you to the storyline are absent but the basic storyline is there and it will be interesting for you because you simply don't know what you are missing. However, if you have read the book WAIT until this flick shows up on cable otherwise prepare to be annoyed.


rating BRAVO minus (rating scale)

Well the thing about this movie, you sort of know exactly what is up the whole time but the thrills, suspense and humour trump the predicable storyline. "The suspicious next door neighbor.. could he be *gulp* a serial killer???" The movie has a sort of a scooby doo mystery meets a high tech hardy boys/nancy drew kinda charm. Towards the end of the flick, I was waiting for the classic scooby doo line, "...and I would have gotten away with it ...if it weren't for those meddling kids!!!". But alas that didn't happen.

Seriously folks, this movie is surprisingly entertaining. Its not going to get an oscar ... well maybe a nomination or two for lighting and special effects. However, believe me when I tell you that Shia LeBeauf is going places, his acting is convincing and real. I enjoyed this flick. I think you will too. It doesn't rate quite on par with my true BRAVO picks.. hence the minus... but you will be entertained. Trust me. I wouldn't steer you wrong on this.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

i still don't care if you agree with me...

okay.. given recent headlines, I'm feeling a bit more politically charged than usual... But before I go on and/or you make any assumptions. I believe in the right to bear arms. Yup. that's right.. the numero dos on the bill of rights of the US Constitution I support it. BUT... and yes that is purposely a big BUT.... I do not believe that ...
* it should harder to get a driver's license than it is get a gun
* buying a gun should be as easy as buying a snickers bar at your local kmart
* states should have their own random gun laws
* we should have to continously wait until some horrific event occurs to raise this issue
Would it really be so unreasonable to have federal standards for gun ownership that includes a national registry and hmm... perhaps background checks to be sure the mentally disturbed and/or underage are prevented from buying firearms or at least ensure that local law enforcement is aware of gun purchases/ownernship?
Eh.. that's all I have to say about that....

Monday, April 16, 2007

i don't care if you agree with me....

Okay first of all I think Imus is just as reprehenible as Jay-Z, Snoop, Nelly, Ludacris, et al. They are ALL in the same camp in my opinion. Selling offensive lyrics/commentary for sake of the almighty dollar.

I think what people fail to understand is that Imus was fired because of MONEY. Not because he offended people, not because he is a politically incorrect a--hole. .. but because what he said started a snowball effect that threatened future revenue for CBS and MSNBC. Its about money not civil rights, freedom of speech or any other social topic that's trying to be thrown on the table.

Yes Imus has been a politically incorrect a--hole his whole career and as long as his show brought in money his bosses couldn't careless about the idiotic nonsense he spewed. But IMUS in a statement moved himself from a prized asset on the balance sheet to a fire hot red liability. That, in the world of business, is not tolerable by any employee. Try doing something at your place of employment that threatens millions of dollars of revenue and see how fast they kick you out on your *ss.

Keep in mind, Imus had a 2 week suspension until future revenue was threatened (Staples and Proctor & Gamble pulling advertising dollars). Its ALL about money folks... the reason the rappers rap about what they do and say what they do is because it makes MONEY for them and the record companies that sponsor them. Moreover, people (not just black people) buy their albums.

.. we live in a capitalistic society.. money talks... don't be fooled, CBS and MSNBC didn't pull IMUS' show to do the right thing for society... PULLEAZE.. they did what they felt they had to do in order to protect their balance sheet. The decision to fire Imus had nothing to do with what's fair, equitable or ethical... it had to do with protecting $$$.. protecting shareholder value.. stock prices et al.

money talks .. bullsh** walks.. happy trails Imus...don't let the door knob hit you in the *ss on the way out..
that's all I have to say about that.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


LOL.. I could comment... but I'll leave that to the press and ramdon fans ... :o)

Monday, April 09, 2007

is it just me...?

...or is everyone else equally distracted by these motorcoach buses, SUVs and minivans with their built in DVD systems? Honestly, when I'm driving, especially at night, I continuously find myself behind these vechicles with my eyes transfixed to the glowing light of the LCD screen within.
Perhaps it is just simple jealousy, for my ride is not equally tricked out. However, I really do think that these in car DVD players are a potential menance. Especially to nosey rosies such as myself.

Thursday, April 05, 2007


Rating: eh (rating scale)
yeah.. "eh" pretty much sums it up. Its an intriguing concept, 'I wake up one day Jim [my husband] is dead.. I wake up the next he's dead'. The movie starts off interestingly enough and you are actually drawn in. But, I will spoil this for you so stop here if you still plan to see this movie. At no point do they give you any explaination as to how or why she flipped back and forth through time. The movie had the potential to be an eerie thriller or even a science fantasy flick.. but it fizzled torward the middle then totally ran out of steam. I guess that's what really annoyed me with this flick plus the ending stunk. yeah.. you should definitely wait for the lifetime run of this movie.. this seems like a movie they would play 5x over on a Sunday. But don't waste your $$$ its totally not worth the movie ticket.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

... yeah really.. I've got questions..

Why is Tyra's talk show still on the air?

Why don't people realize their problems have been classified in my NMP file?

Why don't we have siestas and month long vacations in the US?

Why do we drive on a parkway and park in a driveway?
Who exactly votes for Sanjaya?

Do a little dance then you turn yourself around... is that what its really all about?


"Instead of complaining you don't get what you want, be exceedingly grateful you don't get what you deserve..."

... a muse ..muse.. my kingdom for a muse...

Hey peeps.. I'm still here.. alive and kicking. I'm not on strike. I haven't abandoned my blogging. I've just been in search of a muse... yeah.. the past few weeks have been hectic and as a result my mind has been scatteredm yielding very little time for me to contemplate the random siloquies you all enjoy...
but I'm back people... searching for a muse...more to ramdoness come...