rating: Eh (rating system)
This movie is not at all what I thought it would be. I guess I'm a purist in some sense. I like a movie that based on a speicfic time period, to I don't know make me feel like I'm back in that time period. I think the modern day music throughout the movie is was ruined that effect for me. The fact that this movie was about a nortiorious historical persona and her life, is what leaves me bothered by this movie. Throughout the movie I was waiting to learn more about Marie as a person, the intricacies of the French politics leading up to the French Revolution.... *sigh* I was left to fill in the historical blanks myself. In short, if you have a deep interest in French culture or history and are looking to learn more, then this movie isn't for you. Although the movie did give you a good sense of the opulance of the french monarchy, I would recommend that you visit Versailles yourself rather than see this flick.
Oh, and did I mention, that they don't even speak french in this movie? qu'est-ce que c'est environ ? comment insultant!
Yeah. That's the way I felt about Shakespeare in Love, back in the day. Did you see Borat?
Haven't seen that monstarsity yet.. seems like it will be funny judging from the HBO specials I have seen. If you've seen it please feel free to send me your review and rating to share with the ramdon fans :-)
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