After years of scoffing at the clown-like styling and dorky appearance of DaimlerChrysler's Smart Car and more recently, risking my life in the hills of Mykonos, Greece in that semi-automatic monstracity... I must admit, they have finally come up with a model that is toooo cute for words... and could sway.. even the likes of me!
Now.. don't get it twisted. I am not suggesting that I'm rushing out today to do a trade in... but let's just say when or rather if my granola-save-the-earth persona ever kicks into 5th gear, I might be more than tempted to pick one of these cute autos up. C'mon.. its PINK!!!
That joint is too .. I dont' know... something.
I'll pass on that ride to the metro.
Ummmm "hellooooo" no shoutouts to the "gal pal" that put cha on 2 da pink smartie?..tsk tsk tsk.. That's rrr-ite though... I'm glad I've at least swayed your opinion on the single greatest automotive invention of all time.. "All Hail Smart Car!"
- anonymous gal pal that put cha on 2 da pink smartie ;-}
MY BAD!!!!
Special shout out to VeeGee.. the original smart car fan who put me on to the very pink very chic model!
Yes, much...now all is right the world! ;-}
"All hail smart car!"
Ok- be sure to budget for 'two' one for each foot because this car looks like a roller skate. I was delighted to see the new lexus is a hybrid- but you can actually sit in it with 3 friends- AND fit your shopping bags in the trunk-- the color is cute- but I'd have to say your current car choice is safer for the beltway--- signed - not a convert :)
"this car looks like a roller skate" <<--- okay that made me laugh out loud! :o)
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