I'm not one to brag... who am I kidding? yes I am!
This weekend, my fantasy football team, The Pinky Tuscaderos, the underdog of the league.. once ranked as low as 7th has done what they all say could not be done. The Pinky Tuscaderos have secured their spot in the final round, the "Real Woman Love Football Fantasy Football SUPERBOWL".
Its really unbelieveable! I beat the #1 team, the braggadocious "300".. I still have more points coming in tonight!
*sniff* Never has a victory been more sweet!
The only downside is that for the superbowl I face my own cousin's team, "the Verrazano Jill Straps"... Knuckle up cuzzo... its on!
There is a reason why I took a untimely yet temporary hiatus from blogging. Its a very painful experience that caused me to take immediate leave. I haven't actually disclosed it to anyone... well except for my BFF VeeGee. I've tried to bury the memory in the depths of my subconscious. However recent events have made it nearly impossible for me to keep this memory hidden. Its all over TV, radio, magazines... the release of the Nanny Diaries on DVD. *GULP*
As many of you avid ramdon fans, over the years I have taken to sharing movie reviews with my readers. I, a big chicklit fan, was incredibly excited for the release of the Nanny Diaries earlier this year. I planned a week's worth of activities just to be there for the opening night. Never has disappointment bestowed such a debilitating blow.
You see, sometimes a great book is made into a great movie (e.g. Harry Potter and *anything JK chooses*). Sometimes a great book is made into a good movie (e.g. the Namesake). Yet other times a good book is made into a GREAT movie, (e.g. Devil Wears Prada). Very rarely, does are GREAT book get made into a total STINKER of a movie (case: the nanny diaries).
After seeing that movie, I was so incredibly crestfallen and essentially lost. It took me months to come to terms with the fact that very bad things can happen to good storylines.
But there you have it folks. The reason why I had to step away from the blog over the past few months. If you haven't seen Nanny Diaries the movie, DON'T. Read the book and keep