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... a foiled plan to be a cheapo!
At my local starbucks, every 8th coffee you purchase is free. So as a miserly practice I get the cheapest coffee (house blend drip) for the first 7 and a super duper starbucks classic fancy coffee as my 8th. Today, I swore this was my 8th coffeee.. so being the cheapee that I am and needing to maximize the free-ness.. I ordered the biggest most expensive coffee on the menu only to learn that I bought my 7th freaking coffee not my 8th and a vanilla biscotti to boot.Total damage: $4.99
damn... damn.. double damn!!!
Yeah.. I finally DID IT!!! I joined a fantasy celebrity league!!! That's right... uh heard me.. It works just like fantasy sports leagues, but instead of your players scoring points for a touchdown or homerun, they score points for crazy outbursts, divorces, new boyfriends, or whatever other crazy BS these celebs get into.
Pretty fun huh? I thought so too... So while the lot of you are flipping stations sunday and monday nights trying to keep a tally of all of your different players, lamenting over your draft picks and trades, I'll be flipping casually through my US Weekly, Star, In touch, .. ya get the picture...I'm part of the "team firecrotch league" (FYI -- for you lay celebrity gossip followers that's a dig at Lindsey Lohan. )My manager alias: "Scoop" tee-hee ;-) Check out my team.. big pimpin' huh?
"I'm like 30 years old & make decent coin.... I should be able to live in a place that I don't have to see everything I own every morning"-- on studio apt living in NYC"me: ugggh.. I have so much work to do... I was really hoping to get out of here early today...
friend: what are you talking about? Get out of where? YOU WORK FROM HOME!!!
me: details, details"-- convo on working overtime"Of course work is not fun, that's why they call it work. If work were supposed to be fun they would call it play" -- my uncle on dealing with the 9 to 5 blues"If you can't wake up in love with yourself everyday... how the HELL do you expect someone else to??"-- thoughts on self-love, HLee"friend: If you didn't spend your money on shoes, waxing, spa appointments, what would you spend your money on?
me: huh? I don't understand the question? **boggle**
friend: what else would you spend your money on?
me: umm.. I heard you.. but I don't udnerstand the question.. its like saying if you didn't spend your money on bread and water ...."--recent convo on spending priorities "aunt: where are your priorities?
nephew: ummm... I left them at home antie.."-- my nephew and sister in active debate"vee text msg: hmm.. he looks kinda cute from here bee text msg: oh really? vee text msg: eew no retract that, he looks crazy in the eye bee text msg: so essentially, he is cute from far but far from cute"-- random bee/vee digital convo