First of all, I will admit it. I am a super duper fraidy cat! I cannot stand horror movies. I went to see this movie out of love and support for Leo and was ready to walk out the moment the movie got too intense. The trailers led me to believe this movie might be more than I could handle. That wasn't at all the case. Despite what the trailers show, this movie is categorically a thriller. I'd throw in the tag of mystery in there too, for good measure. Bottom line, Leonardo doesn't disappoint. Once again he draws you in, as the masterful hero playing actor he is. Leo is essentially on shutter island to investigate an escapee from the the asylum,... you know what? I don't want to be a spoiler. There is no really good way to tell you about this movie without giving away key elements of the "what the hell?" parts to the storyline. My advice, if you are up to having your mind messed with a bit I suggest you go see this movie. Nice job Leo! *applause*
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
This movie was absolutely beautifully done! Now it is a fact that I am partial to independent flicks, my bias plays no role here. I can't express in simple words much I enjoyed this movie. Without giving you too much of the storyline, the movie begins with the newly divorced single mom Muna who lives in Palestine with her teenage son. Through an unexpected stroke of luck, they get the opportunity to come to the US to pursue the 'American Dream'. This movie gives a brilliant perspective on the pursuit of the American Dream that the average person perhaps never considers. Muna is truly a heroic woman... you will fall in love with this flick. Trust me. My only complaint is that I wish it was longer. I was so captivated by this family, their struggles and triumphs that I honestly didn't want it end. Listen to me now and thank me later, go see this movie. :-)
Sunday, August 30, 2009
District 9
Rating: eh (rating scale)
*sigh* where do I start? I really really wanted to LIKE this movie. I love sci-fi and I love history. The story line for this movie is presented as a documentary which makes it particularly more argumentably up my alley. But alas, I didn't love it. Truth be known, I didn't really like it all that much. District 9 was just ok to me. I know what you are thinking, the ratings are off the charts, everyone loves this film. Eh.. it just didn't do it for me. Maybe its because I was too quickly reminded up front how bad management decisions can have catasphrophic ramifications. This is no spoiler, but in the movie, the head dude selected to run the relocation program for the aliens, is only choosen for this very important role (and promotion) because his father in-law is a big wig that personally selected him. From there on in, gaffe after gaffe, stupid move after stupid move, I could only be brought back to the thought, 'see this is what happens when you put an incompetent clown in charge'. I guess in short, I felt completely annoyed throughout the flick... To make matters worse, the movie ended in a way that left this darn story WIDE open for a sequel. I'll wait for that one to hit cable.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Julie & Julia
Rating: BRAVO (rating scale)
Its never too late to be great! That's my summary of this movie. First of all, let it be known, I have a sincere bias here. Meryl Streep, to me, is the BEST ACTRESS ever known to industry. Don't challenge me ever on that FACT, unless you are prepared to risk our friendship. Back to the movie, its really a good movie. I enjoyed it thoroughly, but again I can see how this might not be a movie for everyone. But here's how you'll know if you will enjoy this movie: if you are a FOODIE you will dig this flick. And I mean a real FOODIE, not just someone who likes to EAT, that would make you an EATIE. Real FOODIES not only thoroughly enjoy eating, but they talk about meals they will have, they reminisce about meals they have had, and furthermore, they COOK. I'm not saying they are gourmets, but real FOODIES such as myself, cook and cook well, because, hey we love FOOD and must do it justice. But I digress, quite simply, this is a movie for the FOODIE. You end up learning so many interesting factoids about the legendary Julia Child that by the end of the movie she feels less like a gourmet super hero and more like your fun and crazy old aunt. FOODIES unite and go see this movie. You can thank me later for this recommendation with a cupcake or a BBQ'd short rib or something. :-)
Rating: eh+ (rating scale)
Yeah that's an eh plus, although I thoroughly enjoyed this flick, I recognize that its not everyone's cup of tea. First things first, this movie is NOT a scary movie. Yes its darn and distrubing, but some how comical or at least to me and the quirky audience members of the theater in which I saw this movie. Yes that's right folks, either I have a sick sense of humour or this movie has some seriously funny momements. Yeah its the latter, I'm sure of it. I've position this movie as, if you are the type to watch and enjoy Law and Order type tv programs, you'll enjoy this film. Seriously, I can't emphasize enough that this movie it NOT scary at all. Creepy yes, scary not so much.
The Proposal
Rating: BRAVO (rating scale)
Here's the thing, while I love chick lit, I'm not a big fan of chick flicks. But this movie was actually a cut above the typical chick flick and therefore is a great date movie. Sandra Bullock is hiliarious as ever and that Ryan Reynolds is total eye candy. Betty White is also a fun character in the cast. The premise of the movie, albeit quite absurd, really draws you in. In case you are unfamiliar, (no spoiler here) Sandra Bullock's character is a powerful publishing executive who is also a canadian citizen with pending US citizenship. Through an unfortunate, well kinda, mishap on her part, her citizenship application is denied and she is informed that she will deported. Which of course, is when she pulls in her assistant (Ryan Reynolds), who absolutely despises her, to marry her... I really enjoyed this film. I don't want to give it all away, so be sure to check it out when you get the chance. You won't be sorry.
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Rating: CLASSIC (rating scale)
This was certainly the best harry potter movie yet. I do believe,however, you must be an ardent HP fan to really 'get' and appreciate the brilliance of this movie. Since I am one, this movie is a true CLASSIC to me. Absolutely fantastically done. *applause here*
Rating: eh (rating scale)
Its a cute movie. Some good life lessons embedded in the storyline and dialogue. However, it wasn't quite a funny as the previews led me to believe it would be. Plus, it was kinda short. It seemed like it was missing about another 20 minutes. Or maybe I'm too conditioned to watching human beings on screen as opposed to animation.
Star Trek
Star Trek
Rating: CLASSIC (rating scale)
Seriously, I contend that this is the best movie I have seen all YEAR! The great thing is that you do not have to be a Trekkie to love it. I for one am a Trekkie not total geek show up to convention Trekkie, but well versed enough to get the inside jokes and references across the generations of star trek TV shows. The movie just gripes you within the first 45 seconds and you are hooked from there. I kid you not. Its exciting, its hilarious (like seriously laugh out loud tears in the corners of your eyes hilarious), its sentimental (a little romance and *gasp* bromance action).. its simply a classic; an absolutely, fantastic, well done movie that's well worth your precious dollar bills and time! I cannot endorse this movie enough!
Rating: BRAVO (rating scale)
How about if you are looking for a suspenseful action flick, this is your movie! I'm telling you, they didn't spare a minute on making this movie exciting to watch. Who knew Liam Neeson had it in him? There's not much more I can say about this movie without giving away the story line. But trust me you will be thoroughly entertained! I promise!
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